Consumer Consult Disclaimer

The goal of a Consumer Consult with Kate Mahoney is to support the ability of consumers to identify high quality supplement products.

To ensure the maximum benefit of your consultation, it is important that any Information you provide during the consultation is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, if you start any new prescription medications, it is your responsibility to speak with your pharmacist to find out about any potential contraindications before using any supplement products.

When used appropriately, the information provided during a consult can help support understanding, but Kate Mahoney does not diagnose or treat any specific disease or medical conditions. Consumer Consult’s will not provide medical diagnoses, and no comment or suggestion should be construed as a medical diagnosis or medical advice.

Information provided during a Consumer Consult is not a substitute for an appropriate healthcare provider. If you suffer from a medical or pathological condition, it is your responsibility to get care from an appropriate healthcare provider. Kate Mahoney is a supplement expert, and is not a substitute for a licensed general practitioner or other appropriate healthcare provider. She does not diagnose or treat pathological conditions, illnesses, injuries, diseases, or prescribe medications.

If you are under the care of other healthcare providers and choose to take supplements, it is your responsibility to contact your other healthcare providers to inform them of your choice to use supplements. Because supplements can alter an individual’s need for medication, it is your responsibility to keep your general practitioner informed of changes you choose to make.

If you are using medications of any kind, it is your responsibility to discuss any potential interactions between medications and supplements with your pharmacist. If you have any physical or emotional reaction to supplements you choose to take, it is your responsibility to discontinue supplement use immediately.

Since every human being is unique, specific results cannot be guaranteed from how you, as a consumer, choose to use the information you learn during a Consumer Consult. Therefore, as a consumer, you understand and accept that how you choose to use the information is your responsibility, and at no time in no way will you pursue legal action against the Supplement Academy or Kate Mahoney due to potential misuse or misunderstanding of the information provided during the Consumer Consult.

Though the Supplement Academy is not HIPAA regulated entity, Kate Mahoney upholds the privacy best practices and the policies laid out in the U.S. Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information. She takes all reasonable steps to protect your information from unauthorized access. However, even the best security practices cannot guarantee that all stored data will be completely free from third-party interception or corruption. You can view the full privacy policies of this website by clicking this link: Privacy Policies

By scheduling a Consumer Consult with Kate Mahoney, you confirm that you have fully understand this Consumer Consult Disclaimer. You verify you are in complete agreement thereto and do freely and without duress consent to all terms contained herein. You also understand that failure to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this Disclaimer will result in an inability to benefit from further consultations with Kate Mahoney without refund for any prepaid consultations.